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长途大巴 • 阅读主题 - 即将开撞的LHC



帖子yijun 在 07 Aug 2008, 21:37

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帖子yijun 在 08 Aug 2008, 10:45

CERN announces start-up date for LHC

The CERN Control Center, from where the LHC will be operated.

Geneva, 7 August 2008. CERN1 has today announced that the first attempt to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on 10 September. This news comes as the cool down phase of commissioning CERN’s new particle accelerator reaches a successful conclusion. Television coverage of the start-up will be made available through Eurovision.

The LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, producing beams seven times more energetic than any previous machine, and around 30 times more intense when it reaches design performance, probably by 2010. Housed in a 27-kilometre tunnel, it relies on technologies that would not have been possible 30 years ago. The LHC is, in a sense, its own prototype.

Starting up such a machine is not as simple as flipping a switch. Commissioning is a long process that starts with the cooling down of each of the machine’s eight sectors. This is followed by the electrical testing of the 1600 superconducting magnets and their individual powering to nominal operating current. These steps are followed by the powering together of all the circuits of each sector, and then of the eight independent sectors in unison in order to operate as a single machine.

By the end of July, this work was approaching completion, with all eight sectors at their operating temperature of 1.9 degrees above absolute zero (-271°C). The next phase in the process is synchronization of the LHC with the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) accelerator, which forms the last link in the LHC’s injector chain. Timing between the two machines has to be accurate to within a fraction of a nanosecond. A first synchronization test is scheduled for the weekend of 9 August, for the clockwise-circulating LHC beam, with the second to follow over the coming weeks. Tests will continue into September to ensure that the entire machine is ready to accelerate and collide beams at an energy of 5 TeV per beam, the target energy for 2008. Force majeure notwithstanding, the LHC will see its first circulating beam on 10 September at the injection energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV).

Once stable circulating beams have been established, they will be brought into collision, and the final step will be to commission the LHC’s acceleration system to boost the energy to 5 TeV, taking particle physics research to a new frontier.

‘We’re finishing a marathon with a sprint,’ said LHC project leader Lyn Evans. ‘It’s been a long haul, and we’re all eager to get the LHC research programme underway.’

CERN will be issuing regular status updates between now and first collisions. Journalists wishing to attend CERN for the first beam on 10 September must be accredited with the CERN press office. Since capacity is limited, priority will be given to news media. The event will be webcast through http://webcast.cern.ch, and distributed through the Eurovision network. Live stand up and playout facilities will also be available.

A media centre will be established at the main CERN site, with access to the control centres for the accelerator and experiments limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. This includes camera positions at the CERN Control Centre, from where the LHC is run. Only television media will be able to access the CERN Control Centre. No underground access will be possible.

For further information and accreditation procedures: http://www.cern.ch/lhc-first-beam

1 CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics. It has its headquarters in Geneva. At present, its Member States are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. India, Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status.
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帖子yijun 在 29 Aug 2008, 11:21

撰文 格雷厄姆·P·柯林斯(Graham P. Collins)
翻译 王家慧 卞建国

近期大型强子对撞机(LHC)将首度运作,关于LHC的话题也多了起来,特别是安全性方面的问题(比如产生小型黑洞,甚至吞噬地球等猜测)在网上讨论的比较多.但不知大家是否了解,现在能够在网上评论LHC,其本身也是对撞机的功劳,或者可以说是欧洲核子中心(CERN)的功劳.从最初为了各国核物理学家能够方便交换信息,CERN的Tim Berners设计了WWW网,而现普遍认为的下一代互联网--网格(GGG)也可以说是LHC的副产品.

大型强子对撞机,这个地下圆环修建在日内瓦近郊的乡村。你可以把它看成科学史上尺寸最大、功能最强的显微镜。它将赋予我们前所未有的能力,探究发生在迄今为止距离最短(小到1纳纳米,即百亿亿分之一米)、能量最高状态下的物理过程。十多年来,粒子物理学家一直热切期盼着这样一个机会,去探索所谓“万亿能标”下的物理世界,因为其中的物理过程涉及的能量高达1万亿电子伏特。科学家预期,一些意义重大的全新物理现象,将在万亿能标中显现出来,比如难以捉摸的希格斯粒子(Higgs particle,科学家相信这种粒子给其他粒子赋予了质量)和暗物质粒子(这种粒子构成了暗物质,是宇宙中物质的主要组成成分)。


只要它开始运行,就将产生出能量比以前高得多的质子束流。它的大约7,000 块磁铁被液氦冷却到2K以下,维持在超导状态运行,引导并聚焦着两个质子束流。质子束流的速度可达光速的99.9999991%。每个质子携带的能量将达到7万亿电子伏特,相当于质子静止质量所含能量的7,000倍(参照爱因斯坦质能公式E = mc2)。目前的最高能量记录保持者,是美国费米国家加速器实验室(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory,位于伊利诺伊州巴达维亚市)的万亿电子伏特正负质子对撞机(Tevatron),而LHC产生的质子能量将是该记录的7倍。而且,根据设计参数,LHC产生的束流强度(也称亮度),将是万亿电子伏特正负质子对撞机束流的40倍。当LHC以最高能量状态满负荷运转时,在巨型圆环中绕行的所有粒子携带的总能量,大约相当于900辆时速100千米的小轿车所具有的总动能——如果用这些能量烧水的话,足可以冲出2,000升咖啡,轨道全功率的总能量可达350 MJ,该能量可供400 吨火车以150 km/h 时速行进,或可熔化500 公斤的纯铜。




欧洲原子能研究中心是LHC的所在地。在那里,上千台计算机组成的计算集群,把过滤后的原始数据转化为更加紧凑的格式,供物理学家筛选研究。物理学家将通过一种所谓的“网格网络”(grid network)分析这些数据。这种网络由世界各地研究机构的数万台PC机组成,它们先连接到亚洲、欧洲和北美洲的12个大型网络集线中心,再通过专用光缆连接到CERN。





LHC上的四个巨型探测器各负责一项实验,分别被称为ATLAS、ALICE、CMS和LHCb。它们的工期也很漫长,而且必须在束流调试开始之前完工。一些非常容易损坏的部件仍在陆续安装,比如2007年11月中旬被放置在LHCb中的所谓“顶点定位探测器”(vertex locator detector)。在访问期间,我这个许多年前念研究生时专攻理论而非实验物理的人,被密密麻麻的上千根电缆所震惊——正是这些电缆将探测器采集的数据一条一条传送出来。每一根电缆都有自己独特的标签,需要一丝不苟地准确安插到相应的插座上,并加以检测。

虽然还要等好几个月才能产生对撞束流,但一些研究生和博士后已经开始处理真实数据了。这要感谢从天而降的宇宙线(cosmic ray),它们偶尔会贯穿法国瑞士边境的岩石,击中位于地下的探测器。这些闯入者给科学家提供了“实战演习”的良机:观测探测器如何应对这些闯入者,就能检验所有设备是否工作正常——从给探测器元件提供的电压,到数据读取系统的电路,再到将数百万单独信号整合在一起完整描述一个“事例”的数据获取软件,可谓面面俱到。





高级触发系统每秒钟将筛选出100个事例,上传给LHC的全球计算资源网络——LHC计算网格(LHC Computing Grid)的集线中心。网格系统能够综合利用网络上所有计算中心的处理能力。用户只须从当地研究所登录网格,即可利用网格的处理能力进行数据分析。

LHC计算网格可分为好几层。第零层就设在CERN,主要由上千台市面上可以买到的计算机处理器构成,既有PC台式机,也有最新推出的比萨饼盒大小的黑色 “刀片”服务器,它们都被堆放在一排排架子上(参见右页插图)。CERN还在订购更多的计算机,不断添加到这个网格系统之中。为了最有效地利用资金,CERN负责人与许多家庭计算机用户一样,不会购买最新、最强的计算机,而是追寻最佳性价比。

LHC上四个探测器的数据获取系统会把数据传送到第零层上,这些数据将被保存在磁带上。在这个DVD刻录机和闪存早已普及的年代,仍然用磁带保存数据似乎有些过时和落后,但CERN计算中心的弗朗索瓦·格雷(Francois Grey)说,这是性价比最高、安全性最高的方式。



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