Archive - Apr 4, 2005 - Blog entry


Robertson, L.C.的小组所关注的空间感知的问题,对于启动神经元的多能性增强是非常关键的一个途径。

Effects of Perceived Space on Spatial Attention
Robertson, L.C. & Kim, M. (1999). Psychological Science

ABSTRACT: This study demonstrates that a perceptual illusion that alters the perceived length of two lines also affects spatial attention. We used a cuing method that was introduced to study space- versus object-based attention. Two parallel lines of equal length were placed so that the distance between them was equal to the length of the lines. We then added a scene with depth cues to produce a strong illusion that one line was longer than the other. The results showed that spatial attention is distributed in space as it is perceived and altered by perceptual organization. These data have implications for assumptions concerning the spatial medium that guides attention and the role of depth and distance cues in spatial orienting, as well as for understanding attentional sysmtes related to neuropsychological functions that respond to space and objects.


如果该实验能够确定地排除其他因素而导致现象可靠,那么很多传统的属于练功修习范畴的现象,就不是多么虚诞的传闻。 甚至北大陈守良先生几十年所专致研究的特异功能也因此可以有与之相揭发之处。

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