
--译自收割与播种(Reapings and Sowings)("And every science, when we understand it not as an instrument of power and domination but as an adventure in knowledge pursued by our species across the ages, is nothing but this harmony, more or less vast, more or less rich from one epoch to another, which unfurls over the course of generations and centuries, by the delicate counterpoint of all the themes appearing in turn, as if summoned from the void.")

他是一个试图走向极度纯粹的人,这使得他轻易就能够被伤害。 持有一个尽力极端纯粹的观念,再往下走,...,一直到出现需要回头的问题。这就是Grothendieck的数学,也是他的人生。唯一的遗憾是,那是一个需要他贡献全部生命的过程。于是他走到一个地方,然后是死亡前的安宁。
“一个研究者的创造力和想象力的品质,源自其专致于倾听事物内在之声的品质”(“What makes the quality of a researcher’s inventiveness and imagination is the quality of his attention to hearing the voices of things”)

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